Sunday 8 March 2015

Positive Atmosphere

A successful team has an open atmosphere where team members are agreeable with one another and aren't reluctant to go for big risks expecting a positive outcome.  Creativity should be shared without the person sharing it being scared of being criticized. Trust is a key component is making this positive atmosphere. What assembles trust? Trustworthiness, openness and reliability. The following video will help members of the team have a positive mind, and will help improve the way they should be thinking.

How to have a positive mind

Conflict Management

This is vital to a group's development. It's critical that issues aren't disregarded and tackled together as a team. This will enhance inventiveness because the team will need to look past present situations and try to improve future situations. Managing conflict will help the team work along better and make sure future conflicts don’t occur, if current conflict is solved correctly. Effective management of conflicts will insure the team is informed, improved, and focused on completing goals. Conflicts can distract the team from trying to achieve the goal, and this is what all teams should avoid. Managing conflict is crucial for all teams, and if don’t correctly, smooth performance of the team is assured.

Open, Clear, and Effective Communication

This is a standout amongst the most essential attributes for groups. Issues that develop in groups can be followed back to lack of communication. Successful communication will keep a group educated and up-to date. Group "break- downs" can regularly be credited to poor listening skills. It's imperative to concentrate on listening to the message before making our own decisions about the issue. It is important to communicate all issues you are having with the task, and it is important to help each other out.

Have Defined Roles

By identifying the skills and talents of each group member, and assigning role accordance to that skill or talent, it will help assure the success of the team. By assigning a role, it will help determine how they will function and perform within the group. It will also help organize the team’s targets and it will help the team leader recognize who contributed in the success of the project. By assigning roles, the team will be more organized and it will help the work process go smoother and quicker with less arguments.    

Saturday 7 March 2015

Clear Vision of Goal

Having a clear idea of what the team is trying to achieve or perform is crucial in order to successfully complete the team goal. If team members are constantly active in trying to achieve the steps that are needed, this will ensure success. This will help create a successful team because if all team members know what they are trying to achieve, it will help the thinking process only be focused on one idea in completing the goal. Clear goals will help all team members know where the team is trying to go.  Surprisingly, many people in a team are very confused as to what they are supposed to be trying to achieve. In addition, team members will gain confidence because they will feel a sense of accomplishments once those written goals are completed.  Establishing goals and completing those goals is crucial for the confidence of the team, and because it will help the team members work towards success.